Social Media Power: Facebook 1

FacebookFacebook Superstar: The Trendy Page

Harvest ‘Likes’
You expose your page not only to subscribers (people who liked your page) but also to the people that are in their friends list.
So by having many ‘Likes’ you are effectively reaching out to more people. This is a powerful advertising tool.

Keep subscribers hooked
Just because a user subscribed to your page does not mean that they will stay around.
Always keep them hooked to your page by making regular posts. Your posts should also be interesting.

Always offer fresh content
When running out of ideas, some pages resort to recycling old content. You should avoid this.
Most people are smart enough to realize that you are recycling stuff. You content should always be fresh and interesting.

Open a group account instead
With Facebook, you have the option of opening either a personal account or a group account.
For business related purposes, a group account offers more useful features (e.g. advertisement feature).

Facebook Superstar: The Image Expert

Be authentic
Anyone can make a Facebook account and put the name of your business on it.
Therefore, it is important that you set your Facebook page apart by being authentic.
There are many ways to make your page look authentic. One way is to use the company logo.

Be professional
Professionalism will go a long way in telling your subscribers that you mean business.
Always act accordingly and avoid childish and immature jokes in your posts and comments (unless it is part of the marketing strategy).

Be polite
The way you respond to your subscribers will largely contribute to your company’s public image.
It is important that you maintain a ‘polite’ standing in order to win the heart of your subscribers. Also, they will admire and commend you this way.

Advertise successes
Announcements like “our sales went up by 25% this year” and “we manage to enter the Thai market and things are looking good” tell people that your company is moving forward.
This will make people trust and respect you more.

Avoid posting negative and potentially insulting comments
Taking care of your image means avoiding things that will your company a bad reputation.
Therefore, it is important that you steer clear from negative comments and insulting words.

Avoid posts that might incite arguments
Topics that touch religion, politics, and racial issues will almost always result in an argument.
Avoid posting anything related to such controversial topics.

Be considerate to the feelings of your subscribers
To do this, you have to study the contents of your post before you publish it. Ask yourself: ‘is this potentially offensive to someone?’
If you will be advertising a skin whitening product for example, do you think it is wise to openly say that fair skin is better than dark skin tone? Or will that offend dark-skinned people?

Facebook Superstar: The Advertisement Expert

Narrow down your target audience
If you are selling women’s clothes for example, you are probably just wasting money by advertising to the male subscribers of Facebook.
Therefore, it is important that you narrow down the scope of your advertisement to your target audience (you pay Facebook more by including more categories of people in your scope of advertisement).

Capture the attention of your target audience
Just because you found your target audience does not mean that they will buy from you or even take a second look at what you have to offer.
What you need to do is capture their attention. Be unique and imaginative with your advertisement schemes.

Know the interests of your target audience
If you know the interest of your target audience, it will be easier to capture their attention.
If your target customers are teenagers in Europe for example, you can start by researching the trends among teenagers in Europe.

Know how to reach your audience
You know who your target customers are. You also know what their interests are.
But you also have to know how to reach them.
Facebook offers several options you can choose from – some are paid, some are not. Choose wisely.

Pay SOME attention to closely related connections
Earlier, we discussed that you should focus your advertisement on your target customers.
But you also need to advertise to other groups.
When it comes to women’s clothes for example, you may also want to reach husbands and boyfriends who are looking for gift ideas for their partner.

Subscribe to related groups
You might also want to subscribe to related Facebook pages.
If you are selling women’s bags for example, you can like pages of businesses that sell bags, shoes, and such.
This way, your page will be exposed to the subscribers of those related pages.
They will get the chance to see your own page.

Like the posts of related groups
Make yourself more visible to the subscribers of related Facebook pages.
You can do this by occasionally liking the comment posts of those Facebook pages. Just be careful not to like a questionable post.

Facebook Superstar: The Post Expert

Use captivating words
When you want to say something to your subscribers, do not simply say what you have in mind.
You need to tell them in style.
Prepare a phrase or paragraph that is catchy. Maybe you can use some rhymes too.

Avoid being too shabby
The danger of attempting to be ‘captivating’ is the possibility of being ‘too shabby’.
A phrase that you thought would click might actually appear as ‘cheap’. You can avoid this by asking opinions before posting anything.

Use images and photos to spice up your posts
Sometimes, mere words are not enough to get the attention of Facebook users.
You might want to add some photos to go with the message. Just make sure the image is related to the post.

Use graphics instead of plain text
Sometimes, the words do not have to be in typed text form.
You can integrate the text with the image and post that image. This should make things more interesting.

Use videos instead of plain text
You can also make your posts more interesting by expressing them through a video clip.
With the use of both video effects and sound effects, your subscribers will enjoy more.

Use audio instead of plain text
This is not a very popular choice but it should work in some situations.

Use different posting styles alternately
Mentioned above are the different ways of expressing your thoughts through your Facebook page.
So which one should you use? It is advisable that you use them all alternately.

Learn to use the ‘Starred Post’ feature
Timeline profile is divided into the left and right side. A standard post normally takes only one side.
But if you ‘star’ a post, it will use the entire space (left and right side). This way, the post will be more noticeable. This is useful if you want to make a certain post stand out more.

Learn to use the ‘Pinned Post’ feature
Unlike the ‘starred post’, the ‘pinned post only takes one side of the Timeline profile.
However, a ‘pinned post’ will take the uppermost side of the page making it noticeable.

Facebook Superstar: The Multimedia Expert

Maximize storage space using Youtube
We previously discussed that it is good to use multimedia content to convey your messages to your subscribers.
However, Facebook limits how much you can upload. To save on space, you can upload the video to your Youtube account and post the URL of the video on your Facebook page.

Delete very old multimedia posts
Another way to save on storage space is to delete very old posts. Just make sure that you delete the oldest posts because some people still like to view your old posts.

Keep video clips short and concise
The purpose of this is not only to save on storage space.
Most of your viewers might be very busy people. Even if they are not busy, most people are not patient enough to watch a lengthy clip.
Keep your videos short, detailed, and complete.
Use designs that correspond to your market
When making a video, make sure that you use graphics and style effects that are suited to your nature of business.
For example, it might not be appropriate to use playful music and childish themes in a video that targets adult professionals such as managers, supervisors, and CEOs.

Use subtitles on your videos
Some people might be using a computer that does not come with good speakers. Some might be accessing the web in a public place where the noise is bustling.
So if you included voice in your video clips, it is wise to add a subtitle.

Keep video quality top-notch
Do not settle for mediocre and low quality video that looks like it is made by kid.
Most of your subscribers will judge your company’s capability based on how well you make video clips.

Hire experts to make the video
Do not let just anyone make the promotional video clips for you.
Make sure that you ask an expert who knows the stuff.

Consider outsourcing the job to freelancers
Your team might not have a professional video artist. In which case, you can simply outsource the task to others.
The internet is a good place to find freelancer video artists. Those from the Philippines are particularly impressive.

Always authenticate your videos with your own logo
Your videos should always include your company name and company logo.
All your videos may start with the company logo and name.

Recycle objects to save on cost
Multimedia content such as videos are made up of elements which include images, sounds, and short clips.
You may have also paid money to obtain these elements.
To save on cost, you can reuse elements you already to come up with newer multimedia content.

Use video size that everyone can view
A high quality video with high frame rate, high sound bitrate, and high-definition encoding is definitely an eye-candy.

Sadly, not all users can view such videos.

Some use computers with low specifications and internet connection that is not very fast.


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